This 61-years old man treated for renal cell carcinoma was found to have an active retrocaval node in the retroperitoneum on a PET/CT. A biopsy was asked for.
The video shows the though process and how this was done.
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Region: Retroperitoneum, retrocaval
Age: 61
Findings: Active retrocaval node
Lesion Biopsied: Retrocaval nodule
Size of Lesion: 15.2 in z axis x 10.5
Gun: 20 G Cook
No of cores: 4 for histopath
Sedation: No
Position & Approach: Prone, curved needle, fixed point
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 14 mins
Complication: No
Level of Difficulty: 5/5
Diagnosis: Metastasis from renal cell carcinoma
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