This 20-years old came with ankle pain. Imaging showed a chondroblastoma, which was proven on a CT guided biopsy.

He was then referred back for cryoablation, which was successfully done.

The video explains the case and the procedure.

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Region: Ankle
Age: 20
Size of Lesion: 20.4 x 17.5 mm
Pre-Lesion Biopsy: Yes (2 months prior)
Cryoprobe: 13 G
Sedation: Yes
Position & Approach: Supine
Special Steps: None
Time Taken (freeze-thaw-freeze): 41 mins (3-3-5)
Complication: None
Level of Difficulty: 3/5
Final Outcome: Pain-free and complete lack of uptake on PET

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Table of Contents

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