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Current Case:
A 55-year old with carcinoma breast presented with one solitary enlarged left internal mammary node
The oncologist wanted a biopsy.
The video discusses the case, the approach and a few more similar cases.
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Region: Chest wall
Age: 55 yrs
Findings: Active left internal mammary node
Lesion Biopsied: Left internal mammary node
Size of Lesion: 11.0 (z axis) x 9.0 mm
Gun: 18G Cook, short, 10 mm throw
No of cores: 2 for histopah
Sedation: No
Position & Approach: Transcostal
Time Taken (marker to wash-out): 14 mins
Complication: None
Level of Difficulty: 4/5
Diagnosis: Metastatic adenocarcinoma, consistent with breast primary
Table of Contents and Other Chest Wall and Mediastinal Biopsies
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Previous Post:
Case 156: Left Para-Aortic Mediastinal Node Biopsy
For prevascular space lesions, if parasternal, transcostal or intercostal or costoclavicular approaches are not available (or even if they are), the transsternal approach is a safe and simple way of approaching prevascular space lesions.

Other Sites and Cases:
Case 106: A Specific Pattern of Ground Glass in an Infant
Most infants with chILD present with ground glass, which in most instances is non-specific, except in this one condition.

Case 50: Lingering Diagnosis
15-years old presented with pain in the left hip radiating to the knee. A final diagnosis was made 15 mths later

Diagnosing Diabetes Early: For Ourselves and For Those Around Us
Diabetes screening needs to start early and should be an annual exercise, not just for us but for everyone around us

Case 173: Microvascular Dysfunction in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Adenosine stress CMR can diagnosis microvascular ischemia/dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy