Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Previous Case
Case 134: Aortocaval Node Biopsy
Aortocaval nodes can be biopsied using anterior, posterior and decubitus approaches

Current Lecture:
I had given this lecture at the recent Indian Cancer Congress and I thought I could reproduce it here. It discusses approaches to MSK, predominantly bone biopsies.
Other Bone and Spine Biopsies
Bone Biopsy - CT Guided Biopsy
Understanding, learning and discussing computed tomography (CT) guided biopsies and ablations

Spine - CT Guided Biopsy
Understanding, learning and discussing computed tomography (CT) guided biopsies and ablations

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Other Sites and Cases
The Book - Atmasvasth - A Guide to Ageing Healthfully
A 15-point guide to living long, healthy

REF-Cafe Roentgen Thoracic Thursday Lecture - XII - 26th Oct 2023: Mediastinum
The twelfth lecture of the series